Newport Christmas Parade
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Join Santa, the Newport Area Chamber of Commerce and the City of Newport for the 2024 Christmas parade! Entry is absolutely free. You may choose your own holiday theme however, it is requested that you do not include a Santa on your float since the official Santa will be at the end of the parade. Participants will be traveling from Riceland Foods to 3rd Street/Malcolm Avenue down to Village Mall parking lot.
LINE UP INSTRUCTIONS: Line up will be held in the parking lot across from Riceland Foods no sooner than 5 p.m. (McLain and Hwy. 69). Participants are asked to enter the parking lot from McLain Street facing Malcolm. There will be a line up crew waiting in the parking lot directing you to one of several lines. The line up area will be very crowded.
If you plan on leaving a vehicle while riding in the parade, please find parking on the Riceland side of Hwy. 69 and walk across to the line up area.
If you are dropping off a parade participant, please do not enter the parking lot.
Cheerleaders, dancers, band participants and other students that are walking will need to meet on the Riceland side of Hwy. 69.
Please share these instructions with everyone associated with your entry. The Chamber, City of Newport and others associated with the parade will not be held responsible for any injuries or damage. In the event of inclement weather, parade participants will be notified of an alternate date.
FLOAT JUDGING: Floats are asked to be in the parking lot no later than 5:30 p.m. for judging. Plaques will be awarded first through third places in both the commercial/business category and non-commercial category prior to the parade.
TO ENTER THE PARADE, please return the following information to the Chamber office, 209 Hazel Street, Newport, AR 72112 or email the completed form to
Contact the Chamber office for additional information at 870-523-3618.
Newport Economic Development Commission. All Rights Reserved.